Nijmegen, the Netherlands, July 14, 2022 – Planon, the leading global provider of smart sustainable building management software , introduces Planon Quickstart for Desk Occupancy Insights. With this product, Planon offers small, affordable occupancy sensors, that can be installed by anyone,
Nijmegen, the Netherlands, July 14, 2022 – Planon, the leading global provider of smart sustainable building management software , introduces Planon Quickstart for Desk Occupancy Insights. With this product, Planon offers small, affordable occupancy sensors, that can be installed by anyone,
Last month, Mayor Adams released his housing plan, a broad and inclusive document designed to tackle the concurrent housing and homelessness crises that we are facing in New York City. One immediate reaction to the plan was concern that it does not offer a “unit count” — a specific numbe
Motivated by the threat of climate change, local governments across the United States are striving to reduce emissions. Indeed, compared with federal gridlock, cities provide a source of hope for climate activists. Municipalities as disparate as Seattle, Pittsburgh, and New Orleans, for exampl
Currently, Airlines such as IndiGo, SpiceJet and Go First charge a fee of ₹ 200 if a passenger wants the boarding pass to be issued at the check-in counter.
Airlines cannot charge additional amount for issuing boarding passes at airport check-in counters, Aviation Ministry annou
Currently, Airlines such as IndiGo, SpiceJet and Go First charge a fee of ₹ 200 if a passenger wants the boarding pass to be issued at the check-in counter.
Airlines cannot charge additional amount for issuing boarding passes at airport check-in counters, Aviation Ministry annou
A Port Washington-Saukville School Board committee on Monday recommended the district award a $26,000 contract for an outdoor facilities study, but one project that can’t wait for that analysis is the high school’s failing football field bleachers.
“We’ll probably have to shut th
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BILLINGS — The Montana Republican Party on Saturday reshaped its platform, tapping into national issues that have dominated headlines and illustrating lingering divisions within th
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13 beautiful courses offering BOGO deals on rounds of golf. Don’t miss out!
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Quilt Show: Mountain Stars Quilters Guild will host their biennial quilt show from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 22-23, at the Medford Armory,