Retail “Conversion Rate” Secrets You Never Knew

2022-06-19 00:19:35 By : Ms. ellen yang

I am a fan of Conversion Rate tracking. Composed of two basic retail measurements, sales dollars and shopper count, the ratio between these two measures can speak volumes about the performance of a retail organization if employed correctly. Despite the inherent simplicity of the conversion ratio, few retail organizations aggressively measure their conversion rate trends, and in many cases, those that do, often do so inaccurately.

Most retailers are unaware of the many considerations an organization needs to be cognizant of in order to accurately, and appropriately, calculate their conversion rate. Traffic count inaccuracies can also create serious problems for a retail organization if the data is utilized to drive a store scheduling system.

Retail conversion rates vary significantly by type of merchandise and retail segment. Studies performed by Atlanta Retail Consulting indicate conversion rate ranges exist as shown in the following graphic. Brick and mortar retailers benefit from much higher conversion rates than on-line retailers. An average conversion rate for on-line retail is approximately 3%, Amazon AMZN is reported to be higher at almost 13%.

Average Retail Conversion Rate Range

A store conversion rate is derived by dividing your store transaction count (from your POS system) by your store traffic count (from a traffic counting system) times 100. This equation seems simple enough and POS transaction count information is typically correct. However, the conversion calculation accuracy can be negatively affected if an organization does not consciously manage how they accumulate traffic count data.

Many frugal retailers (typically with older traffic counter installations) tend to employ break-beam sensors at store entrances. This early generation technology counts the number of times that a light beam is interrupted, assuming that event represents and individual either entering or departing a store. By tallying all beam interruptions (at all doors) and dividing by two, a retailer can come close to their actual customer count. Or can they?

Inaccuracies have tended to plague old technology derived traffic counts. Issues related to older traffic counting methodologies that many retailers are not aware of include:

·  Sporadic door sensor maintenance often leading to off-line sensors

·  Inability of the sensors to discern between break beam counts and the number of “true” shoppers (If a mother enters a store with three small children and breaks the beam four times should that be counted as one shopper or four?)

·  Inability of the sensors to identify employees and contractors who do not qualify as customers (store employees and contractors need to be factored out of the gross traffic count)

·  Lack of proper attention to traffic count data files by corporate staff who may not detect potential gaps in traffic pattern coverage

·  Lack of communication between corporate marketing (who likely utilize the traffic data) and the stores (who collect the data) reducing the data integrity of the count information

·  Lack of communication between the stores and IT (IT may have overseen sensor installs but generally has no idea if they are functioning correctly over time)

·  Audible door beam break tones that attract children who delight in triggering false beam breaks with their hands (little boys cannot resist that opportunity)

·  Untrained field clerical staff who may improperly collect and report traffic counter data to corporate, sometimes forgetting to aggregate all door counts or not dividing total counts by two

Over time, technology has addressed many of these issues and more advanced (and more accurate) ceiling or pole mounted traffic counting solutions that are on-line with corporate are now available. Retailers who are committed to employing conversion rate calculations are generally more diligent in addressing most of the points mentioned.

Ceiling mounted retail traffic counter

Newer traffic counting systems are much less visible, more accurate and can be programmed to count true “shoppers”. Many are able to detect when families enter a store or if a stroller or wheelchair is present. In addition to providing more accurate shopper data to measure advertising effectiveness, new systems today are capable of: 

·  Avoiding double and triple counts that can occur when shoppers circle around doorway fixtures

·  Providing data required for queue management

·  Monitoring customer “dwell time”

·  Identifying customer “browsing patterns”

·  Integrating with advanced store staffing algorithms designed to increase staffing as shopper traffic increases

An accurate store conversion rate is an especially useful tool when properly employed. The retail marketing / advertising team should be held accountable for the traffic lift they create, and the stores team needs to be able to effectively sell once customers arrive at the stores. Measuring conversion can indicate to senior management how the entire enterprise is functioning.

Frederick F. Reichheld, a New York Times NYT best-selling author, speaker and business strategist best known for his research and writing on the loyalty business model and loyalty marketing is the creator of the Net Promoter System. His Net Promoter Score concept essentially permits the measurement of customer satisfaction, customer retention and its link to revenue growth and profitability. The metric serves as an overall indicator of the loyalty and advocacy customers show for a company[i]. Conceptually, a retail conversion rate could also be employed as an effective metric to indicate the overall effectiveness of a retail organization in a manner similar to the Net Promoter Score.

Measuring your conversion rate should not trigger the elimination of standard retail financial and operation metrics currently employed. It could, however, serve to provide a valuable new perspective to the CEO and Board as to how an entire retail team is performing. If any of the key divisions in a retail organization underperform, the conversion rate would be affected. If the merchants bought poorly, the distribution center mixed up store allocations, advertised prices were wrong, the store POS went off-line, or if store staffing or service behaviors were sub-standard, the conversion rate (or at least one of the two components) would react immediately. Conversion rate may be one of few metrics available that is capable of reinforcing that everyone in your retail organization is on the same team.

May I suggest that if your retail organization is not monitoring your conversion rate, you may wish to consider how it could become one of your most useful metrics. It should be a factor in driving your overall business strategy and it should be a point of discussion in every employee annual review.