Speed ​​up the colony count: the unique system automatically recognizes the type of colony and counts Labmate Online

2021-12-14 12:20:46 By : Ms. Yoyo Gan

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Regular colony counts are part of the daily work of many laboratories. The purpose is to exclude products from being contaminated by bacteria, viruses, yeasts or molds during the production process. To this end, the Petri dishes containing the relevant samples are evaluated to determine the number of colonies formed. Although the classic manual counting method means that each colony must be individually labeled, automated equipment can analyze a large number of petri dishes of the same type very quickly. However, this requires time-consuming programming and preparation, which may not be feasible if there are small batches of samples. 

By June 2021, Funke-Gerber's ColonyStar automatic winding machine can help. The device is equipped with a camera and a cordless, detachable tablet computer, making the analysis of petri dishes fast and simple. The unique auxiliary mode is particularly useful: click on a colony on the touch screen, and other colonies of the same type will be automatically recorded, marked and counted. The selection can be corrected at any time. The laboratory staff retain full control while also saving a lot of time. 

For example, in order to label 200 colonies, only 4 to 15 operations are required. The system can still be trained to recognize selected colonies so that a fully automated colony count can be performed on predefined samples. Therefore, it is possible to analyze 10 to 15 petri dishes containing the same species on the same agar medium, and then save them as a profile after the learning phase, such as Salmonella. Then the same type of colonies that match these can be fully automatically analyzed.

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